Transformational Coaching
Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Lets build a bridge to the other side
Transformational Coaching sessions are designed specifically to your goals and timeline. Together we create a strategy towards motivating you to move forward with clarity, enthusiasm and for you to take inspired action. Sessions are a deep inquiry into how to achieve satisfying relationships. You will become aligned with your personal power and life path, obtain financial prosperity and fast track your career path. Leti helps you transform and discover how to overcome indecision, confusion, fear of change and confront challenges with more ease and grace. An integrative and practical approach leads the way to real answers along with winning strategies for each individual client.
Move forward and experience a breakthrough and create the most fulfilling life possible and live at you highest potential ?
Why is it hard to change ? A great question, right?
Mainly because we are afraid of the unknown, fear of failing or maybe we don’t trust the universe, god or ourselves. When we are in new territory we will fumble and make choices that don’t seem right or revert to old habits and self sabotage. So an expert guide that has traverse the unknown terrain is needed. If you would like support in facing these changes, are in a major life transition and want to move forward, I can offer you my expertise.
It’s good to have someone in your corner that will cheer you on when you engage into unknown territory. I am a dedicated and devoted guide that will give you sound, practical support and professional feedback that is invaluable. Your Vision becomes my Mission, what does that mean?
In working with me, you will find that I utilize practical wisdom, personal growth methodologies along with indigenous and shamanic knowledge. This gives me an array of tools and flexibility to assist you to discover your natural strengths and innate talents. It means that we work together to make your Vision a reality and ensuring you disengage from activities, habits and beliefs that block you, breed confusion and slow you down on your journey. Once you gain clarity of direction and purpose, the exciting phase of discovery begins. By utilizing my expertise and access to a myriad of tools and experience, you will begin to move towards your vision with clarity, confidence and self-assurance. In fact you will enjoy the journey and arrive to the promise of your destiny.
From Breakdown to Breakthrough


I came to see Leti about 1 year ago, my life was a terrible mess, I couldn’t sleep, I was severely depressed and failing in my business. My wife had left me for a more successful man. I let her walk away without a fight. I had three sessions with you that changed my life. I got back on track and read the books you recommended and took your advice to heart. I am transformed because of your kindness and guidance. I closed my business and got into a field I love and I am reconstructing my life and feel like a human being again. I listened to the MP3s you made for me daily, meditated and I am no longer depressed and sleep well. I just met a lovely new woman, I am falling in love. Thank you. — George M.
My life was turned upside down unexpectedly and I reached out to Leti. She took my hand and put me under her wing. She pulled out some old wounds I've been carrying for years. Once I let them go, I walked away from people that were not serving my higher purpose. Leti showed me how to focus on self care and put my family first. Sometimes we have life distractions that keep us from growing into our higher self. Leti guided me through a life transition. I am so "thankful and grateful" that Leti was available to help me through this transition. I highly recommend Leti to help you transition to your higher self and I will tell you, no task is unnoticed by Leti! I can't wait for my next transition!
Annette Collazo
Leti was highly recommend by my two daughters, they raved about her. I saw a big difference in them so, I decided to make an appointment with her. I was not disappointed! Leti was very professional and helped me move through a tough transition. With my husband gone, I wanted a new career path to follow. She held my hand through 6 months of interviews and self-discovery until I decided to become an independent Tax consultant. I had no idea I had these skills and capacity to have my own business. She helped uncover the confidence to recreate myself. Today, life is so different, I have changed for the better because of the work I did with Leti. — LR Macias